Friday, December 11, 2009

Did you know I was on Family Guy?

I have a cameo in this episode...

I'm a famous bear... forward to 21:00 to see me

Thursday, December 10, 2009

What do YOU want?

So... okay... tell me what you want...

I would like to create a loyal following of bear friendly supporters to my blog...

So please - leave some comments, and tell me what you would like to see on this blog...

Any questions, thoughts - leave me comments...

I'm open for anything - except taking pictures of my bear penis... so enough already of these such requests

Monday, December 7, 2009

What is it with these Closet Smokers?

Is the guilt such a heavy burden to carry that you have to make it a secret?
Do you think your wife won't approve?

I mean I just don't get it...

If the closet smoker looks a little deeper at their actions, they will soon realise that their secret smoking habit is not really out of concern or respect for others, but merely about themselves and their own negative self image! People-pleasing is a character defect that prevents folks from being true to themselves while portraying a false persona to those around them. It's both unnatural and unhealthy!

There... I said it...

Please Jesus - help all these Closet Smokers...
Thanks Jesus!

Who is this guy?

This guy is going on about all this stuff...

Who does he think he is?

It's good...

I think it's good that we have a black president.
You know... I support this.
I... er ... agree with the... er... changes that have happened in this country, and think it is about time.
I have a friend that is... er... black, and he is a very nice bear friendly person.


Dear Lord Jesus Christ

This is my first blog post.
Please Jesus - bring lots of people to my new blog, so I too can have a popular internet presence....
Thanks Jesus!

Tim The Bear

Tim The Bear